Stay at Home: Keeping Your Indoor Air Quality Clean

Stay at Home: Keeping Your Indoor Air Quality Clean

Stay at Home: Keeping Your Indoor Air Quality Clean

Now that Stay at Home directives are keeping Louisiana citizens bunkered inside their homes, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Indoor Air is quickly becoming the primary source of oxygen for those staying inside. Unfortunately, Indoor Air can be up to 100 times worse for your lungs than Outdoor Air. That’s because air trapped inside is constantly recycled, adding more allergens, toxins and pathogens into the airstream. And if that’s not bad enough, the dark, damp interior of your central heating and cooling system is a cesspool for bacteria and germs. Unless you have the right equipment in your HVAC system, and you invest in regular maintenance, your Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) will simply be a reflection of all your pet dander, cleaning chemicals, dust and other particles that infiltrate your air flow.

The Three Phases of Indoor Air Pollution

You’ve heard of Indoor Air Pollution, but how much do you know about the particles contaminating your air? HVAC professionals around the world recognize three major phases of Indoor Air Pollution: Particles and Allergens, Germs and Infectious Agents and Chemical Gases and Odors.

3 phases of indoor air pollution

  • Particles and Allergens: The first phase of Indoor Air Pollution involves all of the little particles you can see floating in a sunbeam, such as dust, pollen, lint, dirt, smoke and pet dander. These tiny particles float around your nose and mouth and can be responsible for asthmatic and allergic reactions.
  • Germs and Infectious Agents: Germs and Infectious Agents are biological pathogens like cold viruses, viral infections and bacterial infections. These can be some of the biggest threats to your health because they can cause upper respiratory infections, throat infections and ear infections.
  • Chemical Gases and Odors: Chemical gases can be found in cleaning products, paints, glues and varnish. Even items like freshly painted cabinets or furniture can be hazardous to your health if the chemicals are allowed to linger in your air.

The Importance of HVAC Maintenance

Even if you have the perfect filter installed in your HVAC unit, the only way to ensure your indoor air quality stays clean is to perform regular maintenance checks. Your friendly, neighborhood HVAC technicians will be able to quickly and efficiently check your system and make any necessary modifications or filter replacements.

Ways to Protect Your HVAC System

In the same way you should floss regularly before visiting the dentist, there are things you can do keep your system as clean as possible before calling in an HVAC technician for a maintenance check. There are several things you can do to keep your HVAC system healthy.

  • Filters: Filters are your best defense against small particles, such as dust and dander. They trap the particles and prevent them from reentering your airflow. However, it’s important to get filters replaced regularly, so they don’t become a breeding ground for bacteria, that will then be reentered into the stream of air.
  • UV Lights: UV Lights are a great defense against biological pathogens, such as germs and infectious agents. These include viruses, bacteria, molds, pollen and dust mites. The UV Light sterilizes the germs as they pass through your HVAC unit, so they cannot reproduce.
  • Oxidizing UVC System: The Oxidizing UVC System takes care of the final phase of Indoor Air Pollution, the Gas Phase. Not only does it have the same properties as UV Lights, but it also eliminates chemicals, pesticides and cleaning solvents from your air flow.

Call Help!! Air Conditioning to Schedule Your Maintenance Check!

Help!! Air Conditioning is the Greater New Orleans Area’s most trusted source for HVAC maintenance professionals. Our team has been providing our customers exceptional service since 1968 and has achieved some incredible milestones in the air conditioning and heating industry. We take your comfort and your family’s comfort very seriously, which is why our promise to you is always: “Fixed Right or it’s Free.” Contact Help!! Air Conditioning today to schedule your next maintenance check. 504-733-5888