
Why is My Heating Bill So High? Tips to Keep Your Home Warm

Why is My Heating Bill So High? Tips to Keep Your Home Warm

For us Louisianians, the cold comes as a bit of a shock. If you’re anything like my family, the second the temperature dips below 45 degrees, someone’s at the thermostat, frantically turning up the heat. If you’re immune to the fluctuating temperature, I applaud you. For the rest of you regular readers, who love your heater, I have some tips as to how you can control your heating bill this winter!

If you noticed an increase in your heating bill, it’s probably due to constant use and frequent temperature adjustments. It’s also possible that your heating mechanism needs a tune-up. Whatever your heating issue is this year, it’s an easy fix and Help!! is here to aid you transition into a cost-effective, cozy winter.


Lower that Thermostat!

This may seem like common sense, but many people have a “favorite temperature” and any other temperature seems like too much a stretch. Unless you keep your thermostat consistently at 80 degrees, you don’t need to make a drastic change to your heater in order to see a big difference in your heating bill. Try to keep your thermostat under 70 degrees, with an ideal range between 60 and 65 degrees.

Still chilly? We know and we’re sorry. Winter is hard. Throw on a sweater, your favorite pair of slippers and enjoy a nice cup of hot cocoa. It’ll warm your fingers and your spirits!

lower heating bill

Give Your Heater a Check-Up

If your problem falls into the “My Heater is Broken and My Family’s a Popsicle” category, you’ve come to the right place. Sometimes the problem isn’t your inability to handle the cold. It’s your heater’s fault. If you notice that your home is taking longer than usual to get to the right temperature, or it won’t heat up at all, your heater might require a check-up.

  • Furnaces: Your furnace is an investment. With a shelf life of 15-20 years, it will take care of your home for a long time. It will do so longer and even more efficiently with routine inspections. Help!! specializes in furnace repair and installation to keep your furnace healthy for years to come.
  • Heat Pump: Heat pumps are an energy efficient way of keeping your home comfortable during the winter months. If your heat pump is low on refrigerant, it will let you know. If you notice leaking, poor performance or a coat of ice, it’s time to get Help!! for your heat pump.

Use Your Wifi Thermostat to Regulate the Temperature

The best part about Smart or Wifi technology is the convenience! With a Smart thermostat, you can adjust your home’s temperature based upon your schedule. So, if you’re not home, you can turn the temperature down and then turn it right back up before you return. Your house should only be warm when you’re inside!

Or, the opposite. Your house is freezing and it would be actual torture to get out from under the covers and turn it up. Don’t like the cold? Don’t deal with it! Just make the adjustments from your phone.

smart thermostat

Alternative Ways to (Safely) Keep Your Home Warm and Save Your Heating Bill

If the thought of a low thermostat temperature setting is too much to bear, fear not! There are other ways to keep your home warm and cozy throughout the chilly months while keeping your heating bill nice and low. You might have to get a little creative, or pull out that throw rug you hate, but it will be worth it when the goosebumps disappear.

  • Space Heaters:

    • A tactically placed space heater can go a long way in a small room. And it’s portable! Just make sure you keep an eye on your space heater and remember to keep flammable material away and place it on a stable surface.
  • Ceiling Fans:

    • Many fans have a “winter setting,” where they rotate in reverse, that helps bring the warm air back down to where it belongs.
  • Check Your Furniture:

    • Is your furniture blocking any floor vents? We don’t think about it in the warmer months, but a misplaced couch could be the one thing between you and sweet, comfy heater relief.
  • Rugs, rugs, rugs!

    • Why doesn’t floor insulation receive more attention? The National Energy Foundation says that you can lose as much as 10% of heat if your floor is uninsulated. But if you don’t have time to start a massive project, some extra rugs definitely won’t hurt.
  • Prevent Your Heat from Escaping:

    • Use your curtains for insulating, as well as light control. By drawing your curtains at night, and opening them when the sun is out, you can prevent some warmth from escaping. You can also keep heat inside by:
      • Letting sunlight inside during the day
      • Making sure your chimney’s closed
      • Using tin foil behind the radiator to prevent heat from escaping into the wall
      • Preventing draughts and mini-draughts with do-it-yourself blocks for doorways and mail slots
  • Use Your Oven to Cook, not as a Space Heater:

    • If your searching for creative ways to keep your home warm, we admire your ingenuity. Just make sure you research the methods you intend to use before implementing them. For example, using an oven to heat your home may seem like a unique way to add a little more heat, but you shouldn’t leave it unattended when you’re not cooking. Ovens were not built to heat homes and could cause carbon monoxide poisoning or posit a threat to children or pets with unattended high heat.
      • Carbon Monoxide: Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is odorless, colorless and tasteless. The best way to make sure you never suffer from carbon monoxide gas is to install a functioning, up-to-date carbon monoxide detector.

Call Help!! Air Conditioning and Heating Today!

Call HELP!! Air Conditioning & Heating today if you need to hire a professionally licensed heating contractor who conducts heating installation, heating repairs and heating tune-ups in the New Orleans area. Our friendly, dedicated staff will be happy to take your call and to assist you in any way that we can. HELP!! is just one call away!